Petty Rage - Thandie (ARC)
Petty Rage - Thandie
ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest opinion. Thank you so much!
Petty Rage is the new and overly fourth book in Thandies
Westbrook Blues series and follows Noah and Kim. It is written in a dual POV
which means we follow both the protagonists throughout their story.
First of all I need to say that it is highly, highly
recommended to read the first three books as well as Frosty Blues although they
focus on a different couple.
Where do I begin? Firstly, I really enjoyed reading this
book although I was hella confused at the beginning because I couldn’t remember
a single thing from her Westbrook Blues series and I needed to read up a few
things and it took me some time to figure out what the plot would be, but once
I did it, I really enjoyed it.
This book is a rollercoaster at its finest! The emotions
were so raw and brutal and sometimes I needed to put the book down for a few
minutes because it was overwhelming but that’s one aspect I liked very much.
Noah and Kim have an explosive and intense relationship and chemistry.
I really enjoyed reading about their past and getting an
inside in what happened throughout these text messages and I think it was a
good variety.
There are also a few scenes that inclued former characters
and both of Kims sisters which were so good and made me laugh out loud!
Overall it is a great book which ends with a cliffhanger
and I can’t wait to read the next one! I didn’t know what to expect but this
was a great story and a great „first“ book for Noah and Kim’s story!
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